Monday, October 15, 2007

Chapter 18-4: Critical Thinking # 4

In your opinion, should the United States have become involved in the affairs of Colombia, Nicaragua, and Mexico during the early 1900s? Support your answer with details. Think About:

  • the effect of Roosevelt Corollary
  • the results of dollar diplomacy
  • the implication of Wilson's missionary diplomacy

I think that the United States made a poor decision when they became involved in the affairs of Columbia, Nicaragua, and Mexico during the early 1900s. These countries did not hold anything against the United States and didn't cause any trouble. The United States would have had a lot less on their hands if they were to stay out of their affairs. Also, becoming involved in these affairs, I think that the United States went in thinking of all the more power they would have. The United States seemed to have taken advantage of these countries, in order to stay in control. In the end, the United States shouldn't have become involved in the affairs of Columbia, Nicaragua, and Mexico.

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