Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chapter 17-5: Critical Thinking # 4

Why do you think Wilson failed to push for equality for African Americans, despite his progressive reforms? Think About:
  • progressive presidents before Wilson
  • Wilson's background
  • the primary group of people progressive reforms targeted

I think that Wilson failed to push for equality for African Americans because growing up with a Southern background, he had a strict view when it came to politics. Being a former governor of New Jersey, Wilson probably knew that supporting equality for African Americans was very hard to achieve. Many white votes would over throw his voice and shut it right down. The prejudice against African Americans would prevent him to use his federal power to give civil rights to African Americans. Also, the primary group of people progressive reforms targeted were those who were "average" people. These people that were targeted most likely owned a large business, company, and/or industry. Therefore, seeing how progressive reforms targeted the white poplulation, Wilson would not have as much support if he were to support the equality for African Americans in the economy.

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