Monday, October 15, 2007

Chapter 18-3: Critical Thinking # 3

How did American rule of Puerto Rico harm Puerto Ricans? How did it help Puerto Ricans? Do you think the benefits outweighed the harmful effects? Why or why not?

American rule of Puerto Rico harmed Puerto Ricans because America could not promise them their independence. Puerto Rico was important to the U.S. to be able to remain in the Caribbean and for protecting a future canal that American leaders wanted to build(p.559). For this reason, Puerto Rico was controlled by the military, unless Congress decided to change the arrangements. While the United States had complete control over Puerto Rico, this harmed them the most. The government of Puerto Rico was not a real government. Even the people had little participation; only being able to vote for the legislature's lower house(p.559). Even though American rule of Puerto Rico had many disadvantages, it protected them. In the end it also gave Puerto Ricans their U.S. citizenship, being able to move between the island and the mainland(p.559). I do think that the benefits outweighed the harmful effects because in the end Puerto Rico regained their government back, which was civilized, and they became U.S. citizens.

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