Monday, October 15, 2007

Chapter 18-2: Critical Thinking # 3

What do you think were the unstated editorial policies of yellow journalism? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
  • James Creelman's account of Spanish atrocities against Cubans (page552)
  • Hearst's remark to Remington
  • the Journal headline about the explosion of the battleship Maine

Yellow journalism is a piece of writing that exaggerates the news to grab people's attention and enrage the readers. I think that the unstated editorial policies of yellow journalism was writers competing with one another. Each writer would use their bias opinions and write things that may not have been true, or were just overly exaggerated. The unstated work concentrated on human interests and material. Once Hearst and Pulitzer began to print accounts that were overly exaggerated by reporters, like James Creelman, newspaper circulation was filled with yellow journalism (probably leading to many "wars" (competition) between many different newspapers). Also, a huge factor that had an effect on newspapers and editorials during this time were the banner headlines and illustrations.

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