Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chapter 33: A

A Conservative Movement Emerges

1. Individuals

William F. Buckley, Jr.- Founder of newspapers: The Wall Street Journal and Nation Review.
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson- Two of the most influenced telecangelists (formed an organization called the Moral Majority, which interpreted the bible in various ways.)
Ronald Reagan- Won the 1980 nomination and chose George H. W. Bush as his running mate.
Barry Goldwater- the Republican candidate for president (1964).

2. Groups and institutions

New Right- focused its energy on controversial social issues (opposing abortion, blocking the Equal Rights Amendment, and evading court ordered busing.)
Conservative Coalition- an aliance of business leaders, middle-class voters, disaffected Democrats, and funamentalist Christian groups.

3. Issues and interests

-New rights critized the affirmative action, which required employers and educational institutions to give special consideration to women, African Americans, and other minority groups.
-Reverse discrimination was seen, which was the favoring of one group over another on the basis of race or gender.
-Supreme Court decisions on abortion, pornography, the teaching of evolution and prayer in public schools, all concerned conservative voters.

Four factors that contributed to Ronal Reagan's victory:
-Skills at simplifying issues and presenting clear answers-> titled the Great Communicator.
-Commitment to the military.
-Economic strength.
-"One of their own"(true believer in less governmet, lower taxes, and traditional values.

Entitlement Program- a program that provides guaranteed benefits to particular groups.
Reverse Discrimination- favoring of one group over another on the basis of race or gender.

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