Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chapter 33: B

Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush

Goal: Stimulate the economy
1. Cut government spending on social programs and lowered income taxes.
Result(s)-> Benefits for middle class-urban mass transit, food stamps, welfare benefits, job training, Medicad, school lunches, and student loans. Lowering income tax drove down prices greatly.
2. Increased military spending
Result(s)-> Defense budget almost doubled.
3. Names conservative judges to the Supreme Court and other federal courts.
Goal: Promote traditional values and morality
Result(s)-> Ended the liberal control over the court that had begun under Franklin Roosevelt.
Goal: Reduce the size and power of the federal government
5. Cut the Environmental Protection Agency budget and appointed EPA administrators sympathetic to business.
Result(s)-> deregulation, the cutting back of federal regulation of industry, increased competition and often resulted in lower prices for consumers.

Supply-side economics- thoery that if people paid fewer taxes, they would save money. Banks could then loan hat money to businesses, which could invest the money in resources to imrove productivity and lower prices.
Sandra Day O'Connor- appointed to the Supreme Court as a judge by Reagan. She was the first woman to be appointed to the court.
William Rehnquist- Becam the first woman on a major party's presidential ticket (from New York).
Geraldine Ferraro- the most conservatice justice on the court at the time, to the position of Chief Justice.


Unknown said...

Where's #4?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Number 4 is number 5