Sunday, November 4, 2007

Chapter19-4: Critical Thinking # 5

Predict Germany's reaction to the Treaty of Versailles. Give reasons for your predictions. Think About:

  • What Germans thought of the war-guilt clause
  • German reaction to reparations
  • how Germans felt about the loss of territory

I think that the Germans reacted as if the Americans and other nations were trying to pin the whole war on them. As the term "war-guilt clause" takes affect, Germany didn't like the idea that they would have to admit to total responsibility for starting World War I. Germany must have been very angry and confused when they were told they had to pay the huge financial reparations, while other nations were involved in the war as well. Along with the complete blame of World War I and the responsibility of the war damages, the Germans also lost territory. They were required to give bach the region of Alsace-Lorriane.

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