Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chapter 21-1: Critical Thinking # 5

Do you think the passage of the Volstead Act and the ruling in the Scopes trial represented genuine triumphs for traditional values? Think About:

  • changes in urban life in the 1920s
  • the effects of Prohibition
  • the legacy of the Scopes trial

I think that the passage of the Volstead Act and the ruling in the Scopes trial did represent genuine triumphs for traditional values. During the Scopes trial people were fighting for their religious beliefs because a biology teacher tried to teach his student the theory of evolution. Since the theory of evolution was completly against their traditional values, the process of the Scopes trial was justifiable. The Volstead Act was also a genuine triumph for traditional values because the act actually worked. Even though Prohibition lead to many problems, the ending result, overall, did decline in the amount of alcohol that was consumed daily, which was the point of the act.

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