Monday, September 24, 2007

Chapter 15-1: Critical Thinking # 4

What were the effects of the massive influx of immigrants to the U.S. in the late 1800s?

In the late 1800s, due to the huge entry of immigrants to the U.S., a lot of anti-immigration feelings came forward. A huge effect on immigrants coming to the U.S. appeared in nativism. Nativism was when people showed favoritism toward native-born Americans. (p. 464)

While the massive influx of immigrants appeared to have a negative effect on the people themselves, many immigrants helped build nation wide devices, such as railroads. As more and more people immigrated to the U.S., more workers could be recruited for huge job opportunities.

Even though some native-born Americans did not like immigrations at all, the move to the United States effected the society in the late 1800s in more positive ways. The immigrants helped construct things and work, while also giving up some of their cultural identities to become a melting pot (where the country would be viewed as a mixture of different people blended together.) (p. 464)

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