Monday, September 17, 2007

Chapter 14-1: Critical Thinking #5

Which invention or development described in this section had the greatest impact on society? Justify you choice. Think About:

  • the applications of inventions
  • the impact of invetions on people's daily lives
  • the effect of inventions on the workplace

There were numerous inventions and developments that made a huge impact on society. The greatest invention on society factored into electricity. The development of electricity changed how people lived and the way people worked. The way people lived were mainly changed because it made household appliances easier to function and to be managed.

While electricity changed the everyday lives of people, the world of business was mainly effected and changed for the best. The inventors that factored in, such as Thomas Alva Edison and George Westinghouse, made electricity much safer and cheaper. The advantage of electrical power made it easier to live the everyday like.

By the year 1890, machines that ran businesses were powered off of electrical power. (p. 438) The advantage of electricity in the business industry allowed companies to work in other locations, besides their used-to-be power source such as rivers. The invention of electricity enlarged industries and allowed them to develop them into a huge success.

Without electricity, other inventions and developments would not be able to be made and function. The advantage of electric power led to the invention of light bulbs by Thomas Edison and one of the greatest discoveries of all times, the telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson. Without electricity, these new developments would not be able to be used. As a result, the convenience of electricity had the greatest impact on the people in society and changed the industries and businesses.

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